Friday, 24 May 2013

Club Duathlon Final Instructions

Club Duathlon -  
Sunday 26th May 2013

Final Instructions:

Race Start : 10:00
Please arrive in plenty of time, and don’t forget something for the buffet lunch afterwards!!


Cost : £4 if pay on the day (£3 in advance)

  £per team


Parking :Limited parking @ Village Hall

Main parking in car park next to playground

Register from 9am, pay/collect number for running vest. (In the village hall)

Driving the Bike Route, car’s leave 9:15 from start.
Race briefing 
9.45am at start. 


Buffet / Presentation: In Village Hall after event - in the spirit of the club please stay around to cheer on the last runners on the course.


Volunteers Required!!


Need Help in the following Area’s:


Drivers to drive the bike route before the race

Help setting up/tidying up the Buffet in the village hall, making teas with Bobby.


Any help will be greatly appreciated
