Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Benfleet members running the K5 ...

Benfleet members running the K5 ...
As I'm sure you are aware we introduced a new system for allocating running places for both the K5 and B15 this year.
System is based on the theory that if you are free to run you would also be free to marshal. So members had to commit to marshalling first, and then if places became free running slots would be allocated to the most deserving marshals who had asked to be considered for a running slot.
I'm pleased to say that none of our marshals this year have taken up the running option for the K5 so we won't have any Benfleet Runners taking part this year.
Probably just as well as we are still short of a handful of positions and have already had one drop out this morning !
A little disappointing with only a week to go and the marshal list filling up, we have had a few requests to run because "They really want too ... "
The system was set up precisely to stop this ...
If you wanted to run, then you needed to put your name down on the marshal list and hope for a place. Not wait for others to commit and then slip into the race at the last minute.
This really isn't fair on all the other marshals who would also love to run, but have put the club and the spirit of Kirste and all that entails first.

Mike - Chairman