Monday, 3 February 2014

Essex XC R5 8th Feb 2014

Orion Harriers are proud to host the final race of the 2013/14 Essex League on Saturday 8th February.

This year we will be organising an u11 race for boys and girls prior to the first race of the Essex league.
It will start at 11.40am. Everyone can register from 11am on the day but entries will close at 11.30am . Its £1 to enter on the day and there are medals for the top three boys & top three girls. Registration will be located at the start of the race (look out for the Orion flag). School year 5 & 6 can compete, and year 4's if the team manager is confident that they can run the distance.

The distance will be approximately 1 mile.

The race HQ will be situated at our clubhouse, Jubilee Retreat, Bury Road, E4 7QJ (directions can be found by visiting our…).

Parking is not available directly at the clubhouse but there is plenty of room at the car-park on Chingford Plain, approximately 300 metres away.

We have changed the courses for the juniors this year so that both the junior and senior races take place in the same zone on the south-side of Ranger's Road; directions to the start will be signposted. Please note that the start is a 5 minute walk from the clubhouse.

The race times are as follows:

11:40am U11 Boys & Girls (1.6k)
12:00pm U13 Girls (3k)
12:20pm U13 Boys (3k)
12:40pm U15 Girls (4k)
1:00pm U15 Boys (4k)
1:20pm U17/U20 Women (5.2k)
1:40pm U17 Men/Senior Women (6.6k)
2:15pm SENIOR Mens (8.5k)
**Some course distances may be subject to change due to the adverse weather conditions.
As this is the last race of the season, once all of the results have been collated, there will be an official prize-giving ceremony at the clubhouse. There will be a selection of hot & cold snacks and drinks available and there should be plenty of hot water for those wishing to take a shower after the race.