Monday, 17 August 2015



Mrs Grizzly and I have 2 or 3 weeks to arrange it. The asking price is approx. £130 for a 3 night break and entry to the race.
For those not sure what the race is, it's 20 miles off road through streams mud beaches cliff paths and lots of hills Stunning scenery and a great weekend away with like minded people from the club. Lets see if we can get over 100 this year.
Family and friends are welcome. We don't normally charge for children.
Any one interested please email me on stating how many places and if coming with friends state who you would like to share with and we will try to accommodate.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

The 24 Hour Track Challenge, please sign up now..

If you are coming to our first (or many) 25th Anniversary events,
The 24 Hour Track Challenge,  then please sign up now..

Either enter your whole team (up to 10 people) or as an individual and join another team at a later date...

You can also add as many separate names into the basket, before checkout.

The event is open to Club Members, and their friends and family to make a team to camp out overnight.

The only rule is that one member of you team needs to be walking/running on the track at all times.