Thursday, 24 December 2015

Monday, 21 December 2015

Adam Wright

Christmas is a time of thinking of others, and family.

We have proved over the last year that WeAreFamily, and I just wanted you all to spare a thought and a prayer for Adam Wright.

Adam, his brother and his family have been a big part of Benfleet Juniors Running Club over the years, and it is with great optimism I ask you all to visit the blog, written by Julia, with regards to Adam's illness.

We wish him, and his family untold good luck along his journey to recovery.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Kirste Quiz Night

If you're coming to the Kirste Quiz night on Friday please remember to bring your own drink/nibbles. Any donations to the raffle would be most welcome and the hall will be open from 7:20pm ish.

Still room for some more individuals/teams if you're free!

Monday, 14 September 2015

Our next course starts w/c 21st September - sign up now.

Our next course starts w/c 21st September - sign up now.


Monday, 17 August 2015



Mrs Grizzly and I have 2 or 3 weeks to arrange it. The asking price is approx. £130 for a 3 night break and entry to the race.
For those not sure what the race is, it's 20 miles off road through streams mud beaches cliff paths and lots of hills Stunning scenery and a great weekend away with like minded people from the club. Lets see if we can get over 100 this year.
Family and friends are welcome. We don't normally charge for children.
Any one interested please email me on stating how many places and if coming with friends state who you would like to share with and we will try to accommodate.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

The 24 Hour Track Challenge, please sign up now..

If you are coming to our first (or many) 25th Anniversary events,
The 24 Hour Track Challenge,  then please sign up now..

Either enter your whole team (up to 10 people) or as an individual and join another team at a later date...

You can also add as many separate names into the basket, before checkout.

The event is open to Club Members, and their friends and family to make a team to camp out overnight.

The only rule is that one member of you team needs to be walking/running on the track at all times.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

New Club Training - Thursday 16th July

New Club Training - Thursday 16th
Meet bottom of Grove Road, Rayleigh, SS6 8UA
Kirste 5 Marshal run (5 miles)
K5 + HW parkrun ( Approx 6,5 miles )
Maps available if unsure of the routes plus will mark route with paint on the day.
Ian and his group will still be meeting at Hockley Woods car park if you want to run the standard run

Monday, 29 June 2015

The next First Aid course

The next First Aid course being run by the Club is this Wednesday 1st July 7.30pm at Waterside Leisure, Canvey.

This is a free course, but you need to confirm you are coming to secure a place.

Please let me know, thanks.


Thursday, 18 June 2015

24 Hour Track EVENT

Entries are now open for our 24 Hour Track EVENT, as part of our 25th Anniversary. Details are below, either enter your whole team (up to 10 people) or as an individual and join another team at a later date.
You can also add as many separate names into the basket, before checkout.

The venue is a secure track area in New Hall School, The Avenue, Chelmsford, Essex, CM33HS where teams can camp overnight to enjoy the full 24 hours.

Individual participants can also join us during the 24 hour event, to take part as much, or as little as they like.

Events start at noon 29th August, and go on until noon 30th August.
Teams must have one participant on the track at all times, either running or walking. We plan to have themed events, throughout the 24 hours, which may include some, or none of the following:

a lap to remember, timed 5k run, timed 10k run, timed mile run, backwards mile, beer mile, skipping mile, fancy dress mile,...?,...?,...?, 24 hour challenge, most laps by a team, ...?

Essex Road Running Championships 2015

Essex Road Running Championships 2015

Sun Jul 05    11:00 - BNY Mellon Brentwood 10K

Sun Sep 13  10:00 - Pleshey Half Marathon

Sun Oct 18   10:30 - Wix 5M

Sun Nov 08  11:05 - Stebbing Remembrance Day 10M

Thursday, 16 April 2015



Our popular coach services collects you from Benfleet Station Car Park, School Lane, Benfleet (coach leaves 6:30am) and drops you right at the start area.

It will then wait for you near the finish to take you back to the station carpark after your race.

 This is ideal for runners, and spectators alike. It is heavily subsided by the Club, at just £ 12 for adults and £ 6.00 for Juniors. (non club members £15)
Please put your name on the list at the club, and pay as soon as possible.

Online payment available below, this allows for several options to be added to your basket, prior to paying.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Roach Valley Way Team Relay 2015

Roach Valley Way Team Relay 2015
One Team, Four Runners, Four Relay Legs, One Great Charity

This is 4 Stage Trail Run, following written descriptions, maps, and footpath ‘Way Markers’ along the route of the Roach Valley Way long distance footpath (23 miles). Each of the separate stages, will be treated as a standalone Trail Run with its own start times and marshal coordinators
the route is split into 4 individual relay legs

undertaken by 4 different runners

all with their own start times
Leg distances are 5.4 miles, 4.2 miles, 6.2 miles, and 7 miles.

Select yout team mates, choose your legs and SIGN UP NOW.

This is a 4 Stage Trail Run, following written descriptions, maps, and footpath ‘Way Markers’ along the route of the Roach Valley Way long distance footpath (23 miles). Each of the separate stages, will be treated as a standalone Trail Run with its own start times and marshal coordinators. There will be minimal marshals on the route, and it will be the runners responsibility to navigate their way along the route following the Roach Valley signage in place and using route maps and description provided on-line and at each stage start. As it is the first year for the event there will be some additional signage in place to supplement existing way markers.

The 'spirit' of the race is low-key, friendly and cooperative, all competitors should try to support other runners and call them back if they are going off-route and all supporters should assist members of other teams if necessary.

There will be roving marshals for each stage, who’s responsibility will be to marshal road crossings, and place “Caution Runner” signs to warn traffic of potential runners as required. ( See yellow triangles on route maps for position ).

Each stage will have its own marshal team who will book each team in at the start of the leg, provide roving marshals as required, time each leg recording finish positions and times for each team, and make sure all teams have been accounted for before closing the leg. All stage marshals will be in contact with the overall event coordinator so they can coordinate any actions required should there be an incident during a stage.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Following the sad news of Bill Donovan's passing, his funeral...

Following the sad news of Bill Donovan's passing, his funeral is at Southend Crematorium at 11.20am on Friday 24th April and afterwards for a thanksgiving service at St Michaels and All Angels Church on
Leigh Road at 12.30pm.
The family have requested that we wear our club vests and not black. They are only having family flowers.
Donations are going to Macmillan Cancer support.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Bill Donovan

It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Bill Donovan. 

Our thoughts go to his friends and family at this very sad time.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Online Payment for Membership.

Online Payment for Membership.
The link is now on the membership page ,to RENEW or JOIN the club for this season.
Please complete the online form first, and then you will be sent the payment link

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Club Membership is now due....

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

This Sunday 8th March is the final Cross Country Leg...

This Sunday 8th March is the final Cross Country Leg, which we are hosting at Hadleigh Country Park. If you haven't been down the Club or signed up to be a marshal, PLEASE comment below so we can allocate you a post - we are short of volunteers!
Meeting at the Rangers Hut, off of Chapel Lane, from 8am. There will also be a team setting out the course on Saturday afternoon (2:00 pm) if anyone wants to come over and help.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

3rd Feb session

HILL CIRCUITS – RIVERVIEW ROAD/KINGS ROAD 5 - 6 Miles     1 ½ mile w/up, 8-12 x 400m circuit (200m hard/200m jog), 1 ½ mile c/down